Sunday, January 2, 2011

E-Mail Conviction???

I woke up this morning to an interesting story. A gentleman I guess apparently may be convicted as a result of reading his wife's e-mail. I suppose he suspected that she might be having an affair & decided to take matters into his own hands. Ultimately his gut instinct was right. But whether or not he handled this situation appropriately, well now that's up to the court system to decide. However, I do have my own personal opinion about this. To be honest I'm torn because there are two moral dilemmas here. The first being the issue of infidelity in their marriage. The other, the issue of one's privacy. So here's my take. I can sympathize with both parties in this case. First being the husband who like any other curious mate wanted to know whether or not his beloved wife was cheating on him. Secondly the wife who even in her trangression is entiled to privacy. So who's right???? I'd definitely categorize this topic as

** DEVIL**

Let me just explain why. Without taking sides in this case I'm going to say beyond a shadow of a doubt this is clearly another example of how the enemy causes division & strife in our homes. Isn't that what he's all about? My point is, this marriage might have been salvagable despite the wife's infidelity. However, you bring in the whole privacy issue and tempers flair even more so, adding fuel to fire. And it's probaly safe to say we have another divorce in the making. Though I hope not.

In any case God despises divorce and his judgement is utlimately what counts. So at this point the privacy issue is probably pointless anyway. Because my friends as optimistic as I try to be we're probably looking at another marriage that bites the dust. What are your thoughts?

Here is the link to the story in case you'd like to check it out.


Lolita Buck
Christian Writer
"Bringing Words to Life, While Bringing Glory & Honor to God's Name"